
lundi 18 juillet 2022 - vendredi 22 juillet 2022    

Event Type

International Summer Academy 2022

French Baroque Dance “Spanish style”
& Spanish Golden Age Dance
Teachers: Ana YEPES, Diana CAMPÓO and Anna ROMANÍ
For professional and amateur dancers and musicians


July Week
from Monday 18th until Friday 22th of July 2022
with Ana Yepes and Anna Romaní
August Week
from Monday 15th until Friday 19th of August 2022
with Ana Yepes and Diana Campóo
This Academy is an initiative of the Donaïres Ensemble and is supported by the town
Of Evreux and by the Eure department, in Normandie.
Program & Schedule
Session 1 – French Baroque Dance “Spanish style”     5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.*
Tutti time – for all students of both sessions               6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.*
Session 2 – Spanish Golden Age Dance                       8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.*
*always Paris time indicated
Other time references
5:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.               Paris
8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.             USA Pacific time, Canada
9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.               USA Mountain
10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.             USA Central, Mexico
11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.             USA Eastern, Santiago de Chile
12:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.             Buenos Aires
4:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.               London
You can register for 1, 2, 3, or 4 sessions:
  • July Week – Session 1          (from 5:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.)
  • July Week – Session 2          (from 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.)
  • August Week – Session 1 (from 5:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.)
  • August Weel – Session 2          (from 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.)
You will get the videos of all the sessions that you register for. So, if you cannot attend all the sessions live, you can follow them with the videos.
One Session (lessons of 2h30 x 5 days) – 125 €
Two July Sessions or two August Sessions (4h x 5 days) – 190 €
One July Session and one August Session (2h30 x 10 days) – 240 €
Three Sessions (4h x 5 days + 2h30 x 5 days) – 300 €
Four Sessions (4h x 10 days) – 370 €
To register, please return the attached registration form to the Donaïres Ensemble
You can also download it from the web site:
and return it by email to the Donaïres Ensemble:
The registration will be validated upon reception of your payment via:
– Bank transfer to the Donaïres Ensemble bank account (see the registration form)
– Paypal: email address to use for the Paypal payment (see the registration form)
The Donaïres Ensemble reserves the right to cancel all or part of this Academy, according to the number of inscriptions. You will be notified on Monday July 11th 2022 at the latest for the July Week, and on Monday August 8th 2022 at the latest for the August Week.
Detailed Program
We will work on the same material during both weeks, the July one and the August one. The aim is to give the opportunity to go deeper into the chosen subjects and to better assimilate the material, in concepts as well as in practice. In any case, the students that will subscribe to the August week alone will be integrated easily, as they have the option of choosing between two levels (explained below).
Session 1 – French Baroque Dance “Spanish style”
We propose to work on the different choreographies of the Sarabandes “in the Spanish style” that are found in the French Baroque dance style sources, written in Feuillet notation, composed on the musical piece called “1er Air des espagnols” from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme by Lully.
We will choose to work on one or the other, depending on the levels of the students, having as a main goal to practice the French dance style concerning the steps, but adding the Spanish arm movements represented in the figures found in Chorégraphie by Noveli (Madrid, 1708), and described in the dances of Escuela por lo bajo by Domingo González (around 1650). Use of castanets and a fan will be optional.
The work concentrates on the dance technique, style, interpretation and, of course, on the relation between music and dance, showing the link between the Sarabande and the Zarabanda and the Jácara of the Spanish Golden Age dance style, as well as to the Soleá and Alegrías of the flamenco.
And finally, improvisation and composition exercises will be proposed, for a better understanding of the different dance types and their dynamics.
Tutti time
This hour is in common for all the students of the two sessions of the week, and will be used to work on complementary subjects or to get into the practice of some techniques that we can apply later on in the classes.
During the July week we will work on the compás flamenco of 12 beats, using palmas [hand claping], zapateado [foot stamps], pitos [finger clicks] or castanets. We will also explore the Spanish arms of the Noveli figures, and some related dance types, like the jota.
During the August week, we will work some more on the compás flamenco of 12 beats, and we will do an initiation on steps, arms and body “quiebros” from the Escuela Bolera, as well as on the use of the fan.
Session 2 – Spanish Golden Age Dance
Work on the Spanish dance of the Golden Age, described in the sources from the xvith to the xviiith centuries, based in particular on the works of Esquivel, Jaque, González and Noveli.
This year’s Academy repertoire will be centered on the reconstruction of the Jácara, from the manuscript Escuela por lo bajo by Domingo González, with its arm movements by Noveli and castanets. Some “new” mudanzas will be learned, and compared with Jaque’s version.
The work concentrates on the dance technique, style, interpretation and, of course, on the relation between music and dance. Finally, improvisation and composition exercises will be proposed, for a better understanding of the matter.
The dance workshops are meant for dancers, professionals or amateurs, as well as musicians or any interested person. Musicians who participate will find a deeper understanding, through dancing, of how to play the music and specially how to play well for dance. They will be allowed practice time with their instrument if they wish and some moments when they can play for the group dancing.
If needed, they can have some time with one of the teachers, for a special coaching on the pieces that we are working on.
There will be working moments in common, the whole group together, but also other moments when the group will be divided in two (thanks to the fact that there are two teachers),
for attending the needs of the students who have no practice on these dances yet.
The students can change levels if they feel it will be better for them, with the agreement of the teachers.
If you do not have castanets but you wish to play them, it would be useful to get a pair.
A fan will also be needed, mainly for the August week.
The classes will be mainly in English, with translations, if needed, into French, Spanish or Italian.